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Boosbeck Celebrates the Coronation of King Charles...

What an amazing afternoon at Boosbeck Village Hall celebrating the kings coronation. We are over the moon with the turn out and thank you for your continued support.

Special thanks go to…

Woodsmith Foundation, Lockwood

Parish Council, One Stop Boosbeck, Buffs for the funding / donations to put on this event.

Julie Craig at Café Creations for providing 50 free children’s lunch packs, they went down a treat.

Shaun Brown and lads (plus Henry) for an amazing afternoon of funfair rides.

East Cleveland Police for your support this afternoon, the kids loved sitting in the police car.

Our newly appointed councillor John for Skelton West for your support and getting stuck into work straight away with your role on the raffle.

MFC Foundation for always donating to our fabulous raffle.

Paul Reed for the loan of the projector…it was great to watch the coronation of the big screen.

To all the “friends of the hall” for giving up your time, to help set up, clear away, decorate, cut grass, litter pick. Your dedication and volunteer time is invaluable and we can’t thank you enough.

To Treasurekins for your kind donation of sweet packs to help us raise funds.

To Whippet Up CIC group for your creativity and the decorations which all looked amazing.

To Gill for sitting and doing crafts all afternoon, what fantastic masterpieces.

Dave Allen for selling our funfair tickets.

To our fabulous committee, you know who you are!! These events wouldn’t go ahead without your drive, enthusiasm and commitment.

And finally...Thank you all for supporting us, for showing up and for all your kind comments…the community spirit in Boosbeck is awesome. We can’t wait for the next event.

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