Shaun Brown
A man in Boosbeck who needs no introduction. After years of dedication to the village and surrounding areas, Shaun Brown (also known as, Curly) finally gets recognised for the true legend he is.
Shaun was nominated and won The Teesside Charity Hero award, nothing less than he deserves for his generosity and charitable values.
As part of The Teesside Charity Hero award, Curly was awarded £1000 to donate to a charity or local group of his choice.
We are over the moon that he decided to donate £500 to Boosbeck Village Hall and £500 to Lockwood Primary School
Our £500 will be held and used to help fund the community Christmas tree that Curly works so hard on every year to make Boosbeck look brilliant.
Thank you Curly, this is amazing. You are amazing!
And Well Done!!